5 Tips and Tricks to Survive Your First Trimester

Our newest family member!

I’m so excited to share that my family will be welcoming a new baby this summer!

Much like my first pregnancy, I spent most of this pregnancy’s first trimester feeling overwhelmingly exhausted, and alternating between nausea (don’t talk to me about food!) and hunger (if I don’t eat right now, I’m going to scream!). This time around, there’s just one significant difference…I have my 2 year old daughter, L, to take care of.

At times, L has been a welcome distraction from how I’m feeling; but, other times, I wonder how we’ll make it through the day until my husband comes home.

Now that I’m feeling more like myself (other than my baby bump!), I thought I’d share five tips and tricks that helped me survive the first trimester of my second pregnancy.

1. Sneak in some extra sleep whenever you can get it!
I started napping during L’s afternoon nap. I also started going to sleep (very) soon after L’s 7:30 bedtime. I know this might not fit with everyone’s schedule/commitments, but I find that any extra sleep makes a big difference.

2. Try make ahead meals.
Try Crockpot meals, oven baked dishes, soups, Mason jar salads, freezer food, etc. Prepare your meals when you’re feeling well; and then, when you’re feeling hungry, you’ll have healthy options ready, and if you’re feeling nauseous, you don’t have to worry about cooking.

3. Ask for help and accept help when it’s offered.
As a SAHM, my daughter is in my full-time care, and I’ve been lucky to rely on family who generously offers to babysit. If not, I’d consider hiring an occasional babysitter/mother’s helper. Better yet, organize a babysitting swap with a friend!

4. Lower your expectations.
Taking care of L is my first priority, and now growing this baby is my next priority. Cooking, cleaning, and errands have temporarily dropped on my priority list, and that’s okay.

5. Talk to your OB/GYN.
Dr. Google tells us that pretty much anything can be a pregnancy symptom, but if something still doesn’t seem right, be sure to mention it to your doctor or nurse at your next appointment.

 What’s the best advice you’ve given (or received) for pregnant mamas in their first trimester?


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